Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unexplained moments...

Have you ever had moments of unexplained emotions that perplex the hell out of you? And, when you later analyse it, you feel as though the explanation is simple but elusive?
I had one such moment today when out of the blue, I felt this intense sadness seep into my soul and paralyze my faculties. One moment, I was just fine and the next moment I felt fit to jump off a cliff into the deep blue sea.
In retrospect, I wondered if it was the lack of distractions or lack of harmony with my surroundings that caused this. However, I've been through plenty of empty, boring, enervating, disharmonious moments without wishing myself dead!
Then, for no particular reason, I thought back to distressful events of the past and made a connection. When some things remain unresolved they have peculiar ways of showing up in your life long after the event is over.
Sometimes, sorrow is so absolute that it becomes the fountainhead of your personality. As long as you are doing something that engages you in the present and keeps you happy, there's no room for this sorrow to spring forth and envelope you in its burning folds. The moment you are alone with your thoughts with nothing or no one to distract you and give you an illusion of contentment, sorrow surges forward to remind you of its existence.
Never ever deny sorrow its moment in the limelight. Let it reign over you until it is ready to let go of you. That is the only way to destroy the power of this seemingly simple emotion.

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