Friday, November 26, 2010

The Value of Surrender

Today I figured that sometimes in life, surrender is vitally important. We love to say that we create circumstances and it is upto us to change what we dislike and then scramble and struggle to ensure that every moment of our life is spent in doing what we want or what makes us happy.
Well, here's the bad news  - life doesn't work that way. If it did, there would be nothing to figure out anymore.
Sometimes in life, we need to take a step back, accept the circumstances we have created for ourselves and surrender to it, by which I mean, live it for a while no matter how difficult . Out of the calmness of surrender and acceptance, new ideas and new directions will come easier into your life.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I don't need complete meals every day!

Today I figured the importance of reducing food intake as per your activities of the day. After a few days of observation and experiment, I realized that in my present state of physically inactive life, I need to alternate between regular diet and light diet light diet I am referring to meals that chiefly consist of raw foods with maybe one cooked meal around the evening hours.
My mind and body both seem to work best when under a slightly starved condition, a full stomach invariably makes me lethargic and inclined to sedantary pursuits and frequent naps!
Now, the question is how do I reconcile my fastidious, cooked food loving palate to accept this dictum?