Saturday, February 12, 2011

What happens to a dream deferred?

Today I happened to read the poem "Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes.
This took me back to one of my earlier posts about the need for a dream in every person's life. As we grow older, wiser, more experienced and travel weary of life, the one sure way to hang on to a semblance of youthful enthusiasm is to have a dream. There is a dream in every heart, even if almost forgotten while battling the daily stressors of modern life.
What happens if this dream remains forgotten? I would rather not find out!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Today I figured the value of context in a person's life...

Life is easier and so much more fun when there is a seamless flow in the context of our lives. Knowing where you come from, where you belong, where you want to get to and harmonizing all this with what you are today and your surroundings as it exists, makes for a beautiful life. But of course there's the little problem of not always knowing everything, accepting nothing and finding that nothing is created expressly to cater to your individual needs and, in a nutshell finding your context and living it is actually a dream that might very well remain a dream for the better part of our lives. Heck! If it were that easy, why would I be writing here today?

On the other hand, having figured out the importance of context and the need to constantly create it to suit my changing self and circumstances and how to do it, I am having fun working through the process. 

So, realization makes for a beautiful life too...